«Gyrokopter» LLC
The company is one of the Russian leaders in the production of light manned aircraft class "Autogyro", which is a rotorcraft with a main rotor, driven not by the engine, and the impact of the incoming air flow in forward motion due to the operation of the power plant, independent of the rotor system.
Distinctive features of the company providing innovative activity are:
- the presence of specialists capable of effectively and comprehensively solve production and research and development tasks. The specialists include a number of researchers with a worldwide reputation in the design of aircraft;
- great scientific potential, practical experience and achievements in the field of production small aircraft;
- the desire to develop, look for new solutions and improve previously created products, which allows you to find market, design and product niches and growth points, the addition of new technologies (including from related areas), ideas and knowledge allows you to get a new quality, i.e. innovation.